Rackmount Vendors

Hey there,

Anyone know of a good rackmount supplies vendor near the greater Los
Angeles, CA area? Looking for a rack and some rackmount power strips if

Contact me off list.

Thanks Much,


Not to plug people I know, but Chatsworth Products Inc.
I know they are the best in the area and supply lots of fairly
large cusomers (my real job included).


I second that. Worked at several places that used them. Also check out Graybar. They have a will call office in Van Nuys. http://www.graybar.com/
PDU search results for example: http://tinyurl.com/4xh4wg

Hope that helps.

Steve Pirk wrote:

Charles Wyble wrote:

I second that. Worked at several places that used them. Also check out Graybar. They have a will call office in Van Nuys. http://www.graybar.com/
PDU search results for example: http://tinyurl.com/4xh4wg

If you're looking for a "one stop place", Graybar is great.

But if you need better prices, it's often better to shop around and get the stuff individually at other shops.
