Rack + IP trading sites

Anyone know of good sites where you can trade rack space and IP bandwidth?
I am looking for rack space and IP in London and trade if for space and IP
in one of our US datacenters. I found lots of sites for trading raw
capacity, but can't seem to find a good site for trading space with IP.

<> Co Founder, CTO

Nathan Stratton BroadVoice, Inc.
nathan at robotics.net Talk IS Cheap
http://www.robotics.net http://www.broadvoice.com

You may want to look at www.communitycolo.net, they're a great operation.

You may want to look at www.communitycolo.net, they're a great operation.


I don't thnk we're what he is looking for. He wants to swap colo with someone across the pond.

We aren't across the pond (from where I'm sitting...), we don't swap colo and we don't provide colo to for-profit companies.

David A. Ulevitch (speaking with his communitycolo.net hat on...)