Quote from Kashpureff / Re: question about per. hack

Can we please dispense with the discussion of domain name
services on the NANOG list? I would personally prefer that
this discussion be taken elsewhere.

More appropriate lists (as it is no longer appropriate to network operator
discussions) might include com-priv, domain-policy or newdom lists.

It might return to appropriateness if further denial-of-service
attacks take place and network operations are affected again,
but at this time it appears drifting into familiar, often argued,
and inappropriate-to-nanog territory. The policy discussions
are not operational.

-george william herbert

More appropriate lists (as it is no longer appropriate to network operator
discussions) might include com-priv, domain-policy or newdom lists.

com-priv deals with any and all issues related to Commercialization and
Privatization of the Internet. Send a message to listproc@lists.psi.com
that says

   subscribe com-priv your@email.address

domain-policy deals with Internic domain registry policy issues. Send a
message to listserv@internic.net that says:

   subscribe DOMAIN-POLICY Your Name