QUICKER FIX Re: [fjk].gtld-servers.net bogus for .com

Many thanks to my friend & cow-orker Tristan Horn for this
  idea...in BIND 8 you can define servers as bogus (meaning
  "don't ever trust these") as follows:

// [fjkl].root-servers.net
server { bogus yes; };
server { bogus yes; };
server { bogus yes; };
server { bogus yes; };

Note that f.gtld-servers.net was the long-running one giving real
problems. [fjk].gtld-servers.net were the ones I saw giving false
nxdomains at ~1000 pdt, [jk] were fixed by ~1030 and f was taken down
~1200. Two hours! Sheesh.

It appears to be fixed now. f.gtld-servers.net is down, a few others are
giving referals to the .com nameservers (still "broken", but doesn't break
things the same).

By fixed, I mean you shouldn't see false nxdomains and things should all
resolve fine.

> Many thanks to my friend & cow-orker Tristan Horn for this
> idea...in BIND 8 you can define servers as bogus (meaning
> "don't ever trust these") as follows:
> // [fjkl].root-servers.net
> server { bogus yes; };
> server { bogus yes; };
> server { bogus yes; };
> server { bogus yes; };

i recommend against that.

Note that f.gtld-servers.net was the long-running one giving real
problems. [fjk].gtld-servers.net were the ones I saw giving false
nxdomains at ~1000 pdt, [jk] were fixed by ~1030 and f was taken down
~1200. Two hours! Sheesh.


It appears to be fixed now. f.gtld-servers.net is down, a few others are
giving referals to the .com nameservers (still "broken", but doesn't break
things the same).


By fixed, I mean you shouldn't see false nxdomains and things should all
resolve fine.

f.root-servers.net is FTP'ing its COM zone even as we speak. AXFR to
a.root-servers.net is giving wierd results. i'll be fetching the zone
manually until we find the smoking gun.

f.root-servers.net is FTP'ing its COM zone even as we speak. AXFR to
a.root-servers.net is giving wierd results. i'll be fetching the zone
manually until we find the smoking gun.

btw, i've taken F offline while the FTP happens. though the response
f.root-servers.net was sending back (an upward delegation) was just a
"lame server" and would not have caused errors, whereas the error that
f.gtld-servers.net was sending this morning would have caused false
negatives (bounced mail, etc).