quick update #2 (Sprint continues to defend network terrorism)

Just got off the phone with Sprint Security again, they absolutely
refuse to stop the continuing (as of 15:40 EST Sat 1/4/97) mail
bombing / mail loop of world.std.com from iq-internet.com, about 1,000
msgs today so far, well into the third full day of this.

Understand: Sprint absolutely refuses to put ONE route block into
their router at iq-internet.com between them and std.com.

I did not ask them to shut the host down, shut their internet access
down, etc. I simply laid out the problem of one site sending thousands
upon thousands of msgs at us in a software loop, all going down a
rathole (since we're blocking them), and asked Sprint to just please
block this one route between us (and, with luck, deal with their
customer but that's their problem ultimately.)

Sprint refuses, apparently asserting that this one host has every
legal right to bomb my (or I assume any) host with anything he likes
via a Sprint connection and they will not acknowledge the possibility
that this is merely software at his end out of control, or a person so
malicious in their action that this one action should be blocked until
it can be looked into, one action, merely the single path between
iq-internet.com and std.com.

Actually, the tone of the person I just spoke to at Sprint just now
indicated to me they, meaning the individuals within Sprint security,
may be now allowing this to go on purposely because they're now (since
they're impotent to do anything about all this) getting annoyed with
me calling them and asking them to please stop this every few hours etc.

Well, sorry Sprint, so long as this guy keeps bombing my system
non-stop I'm going to keep asking you to stop it every few hours
(that's all that's gone on.) I'm not going to let you later say "hey
we didn't know why didn't you tell us we thought it stopped!" etc.

Sprint has now abandoned all rights or claims to be treated as
reasonable people or fairly, they've had three days to assert their
responsibility, others will now have to take responsibility for their
absolutely reckless behavior.

Understand: Sprint absolutely refuses to put ONE route block into
their router at iq-internet.com between them and std.com.

Last night I asked you if you were a Sprint customer. You haven't answered
that question. In any case Sprint is 100% right in not placing a filter
into their router at iq-internet.com. If you want a filter because your
bandwidth is suffering, then ask *YOUR* provider to put the filter in
their router at the port to *YOUR* connection.

Actually, the tone of the person I just spoke to at Sprint just now
indicated to me they, meaning the individuals within Sprint security,
may be now allowing this to go on purposely because they're now (since
they're impotent to do anything about all this)

They certainly are not impotent. Sprint has an abuse policy that states
that a customer *MUST* not continue to send email when asked to stop. They
have recently cut off a spam haven in Seattle when presented with clear
evidence that this policy was being violated. And iq-internet.com *IS*
violating Sprint's policy. I asked to be removed following their
instructions but since that time I've gotten two more spams.

Sprint has now abandoned all rights or claims to be treated as
reasonable people or fairly, they've had three days to assert their
responsibility, others will now have to take responsibility for their
absolutely reckless behavior.

You are the one who is being unreasonable. So far you are telling us that
an automated process on your machine and an automated process at
iq-internet.com are stuck in an email loop. I've asked you if you have any
evidence that this flood is NOT being caused by your bounceback. Others
have suggested that you blackhole the site in your router. And you have
ben told how to subscribe to an automated spam blocking service via OSPF
from http://www.vix.com/spam

The question is, why aren't you doing something more than complain to us.
If you are going to bring up the matter here, then we need some cold hard
facts of a technical nature. Not emotional outbursts about how Sprint
won't do what you want. We can't change Sprint's mind for you.

Michael Dillon - Internet & ISP Consulting
Memra Software Inc. - Fax: +1-604-546-3049
http://www.memra.com - E-mail: michael@memra.com

Please pardon a lurker for jumping in for a moment, but this whole thing
seems blown out of proportion. Your message, sent about 4:00pm, said you
received 1,000 messages so far in that day. 4:00pm is 16 hours, or 960
minutes into the day. So, on the average, you received one message a minute
(correct?). Unless these are very large messages, it hardly seems worth the
discussion here. I'm not even sure if falls into the category of "mail
bombing" or "terrorism"; "mail loop" and "ignorance", perhaps...
