Questions asked of potential candidates for ARIN Board of Trustees / ARIN AC / NRO NC

NANOGers -

   Each year, the ARIN community asks the potential nominees to the Board and
   ARIN Advisory Council to complete a questionnaire of biographic information as
   well as other questions that might help folks better understand their qualifications
   and perspective. For example, the 2015 nominee questions included (among others)
   "How do you foresee ARIN's function, scale, or role changing in the wake of IPv4
   exhaustion?” and "What are your thoughts on the rights and responsibilities of legacy
   IP address holders?”

   The cutoff for submission of questions to the Nominations Committee for consideration
   for inclusion in the 2016 questionnaire is next Wednesday (29 June 2016) - please see
   the attached announcement for additional details and submission information.


John Curran
President and CEO