Question about subnetting /24's

> Please don't. This list isn't for primary school IP networking homework
> questions.

So I guess this list is *actually* for self-righteous people to say mean
and nasty things to people who come looking for help. If this man walked
up to you at a conference and asked such a question, would you be this
rude? I think not. If you say, "yes", I am please to hear this as you
will not live long -- someone will beat you to death.

Are you always this rude to people on public mailing lists?

Perhaps the 60 seconds spent looking up the address above would have been
better spent answering the man's question and *politely* telling him this
list is not the right place to ask such things.

You want polite answers? Then pay me $150/hr and I'll give you polite

Please see Patrick's ( response for an example of how to
answer the question without being a jerk.

Seems to me that Patrick's answer contained less useful information than
mine which you carefully snipped off your reply. Here it is again:

   P.S. You might want to refer to some RFCs as well
   RFC 2072 - Router Renumbering Guide (RFC2072)
   RFC 1812 - Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers (RFC1812)

Note that I didn't just refer to "some RFC" or "RFC 1812 and 2072" but I
actually took the time to dig up working URLs to the two RFCs. They talk
about CIDR and state quite definitively that all-ones and all-zeroes
subnets are allowed.

   P.P.S. You're probably right but if you can't make the customer's
   equipment work and you can't back up your claims with reference to a
   higher authority, then you gotta be crazy.

Of course, what is allowed and what works are two different things.
And if the customer's router will not work as defined in RFC1812 then it
will help the guy immensely if he can point to the higher authority of the
RFC so that the customer realizes quite definitively that it is the
customer's equipment that is broke, not the ISP that is broke. At this
point if our ISP is smart he will work around the problem maybe by giving
the customer a couple of /26's or selling them a better router or...

You better get used to jerks on mailing lists because there are *LOTS* of
us out there, often providing useful technical info along with our rude
comments. Maybe your worst nightmare is the class clown who grew up to be
a geek but some people just snicker at our antics and go on to the next
message. And that's the way life oughta be.

Please see Patrick's ( response for an example of how to
answer the question without being a jerk.

Seems to me that Patrick's answer contained less useful information than
mine which you carefully snipped off your reply. Here it is again:

  P.S. You might want to refer to some RFCs as well
  RFC 1812 - Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers (RFC1812)

Thanx for saying I was nice, but I'm *trying* to be nice. (It's new for
me.) Usually I make Michael look nice.

Anyway, Michael is right - his answer contained more useful information
than mine. So next time you yell at someone, be sure you're not biting the
hand that feeds you. If you do not like the way someone treats you on a
mailing list, procmail them (assuming you know what that is :), or just
swallow your pride and take the advice as given. Asking for free advice on
a public mailing list does not guarantee people will treat you nicely.

OTOH, you are also free to flame Michael all you want, just like he is free
to flame you. Of course, he probably won't help you next time, but you can
do it if you like.

I should warn you, though, that I doubt very much anyone will beat him to
death. Michael is a friend of mine and he's like 6'2", 225 lbs (all
muscle), and a black belt in two martial arts and training for a third.
(Not bad for a 29 year old guy - he was great to have around the Priori NOC
late at night. :slight_smile: Oh, he also likes guns, but his favorite weapon is the
throwing knife. Add all this to his Internet clue and the ability to find
just about anything he wants about you off the 'Net and Michael is someone
with whom you really do not want to mess. So, just be more careful before
you say stuff like that to someone who might return the favor. :slight_smile:

Michael Dillon - E-mail:


P.S. Hey, Michael, where's that 1941 Ruger you promised me?

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