Purpose of the Internet

Actually, NANOG does great. Especially during Sept 11, information
was disseminated, help was offered and accepted, and except for a
couple of idiotic flames, the SNR was high. ARPA designed the thing
to withstand nuclear blasts, and while this was not nuclear, it stood
up well.

  I read through nanog around september 11th a few days ago and I
  concur that painful as it was to re-read, it is apparent that
  nanog served well as a useful communications medium.

  With regards to the purpose of the internet, I recall reading
  in the Prologue to _Where Wizards Stay Up Late_, by Katie Hafner
  and Matthew Lyon, a true anecdote about Bob Taylor. The authors
  quote Mr. Taylor as refuting that the purpose of the arpanet was
  to provide communications in spite of a nuclear attack.

  Rather, it is asserted, the purpose of the arpanet was to
  interconnect computers at various research/education facilities
  so as to allow researchers to share resources.

  We all heard that story too, but popular media tended to focus
  on the sensationalist nuclear story.

  Useful info from history.....


  ps -> thanks jeff for the book back in 1996 :slight_smile:

  With regards to the purpose of the internet, I recall reading
  in the Prologue to _Where Wizards Stay Up Late_, by Katie Hafner
  and Matthew Lyon, a true anecdote about Bob Taylor. The authors
  quote Mr. Taylor as refuting that the purpose of the arpanet was
  to provide communications in spite of a nuclear attack.

The arpanet was an experimental packet-switched network. The Airforce
commissioned Rand report (on distributed communications) is about
resilient packet-switched networks. They are related but by no means

This is a great book, BTW. All network engineers should read it. I suspect
this misunderstanding grew out of the idea that some of the original papers
on packet switching used as one of their criteria, that the networks be
highly survivable. Also, considering the source of many of the grants on
this (DARPA), a tip of the hat to a defense-oriented goal would have been

- Daniel Golding