Publish or (gulp) Perish

I'm leaving off "news" publications like Light Reading and Network World.
Any thoughts? Have NANOG powerpoint presentations made these sorts of
journals obsolete? :slight_smile:

My favorite journal is the NANOG slide presentations. They are
nice abstracts of someone's work, much better than the traditional
journal abstract, and they almost always contain a URL that
takes you to the author's website where you can download full
papers and see the author's other work.

Then it's off to citeseer which has recently moved to
There I can track down references and work by co-authors.

--Michael Dillon

I'm leaving off "news" publications like Light Reading and Network World.
Any thoughts? Have NANOG powerpoint presentations made these sorts of
journals obsolete? :slight_smile:

My favorite journal is the NANOG slide presentations. They are
nice abstracts of someone's work, much better than the traditional
journal abstract, and they almost always contain a URL that
takes you to the author's website where you can download full
papers and see the author's other work.

Then it's off to citeseer which has recently moved to
There I can track down references and work by co-authors.

--Michael Dillon

I'd recommend the IEEE Communication Society's monthly magazine, there are
also several IEEE datacom focused journals available at:

(great bedtime reading, and a miraculous cure for insomnia)


For what it's worth, in many cases, you can also put your ideas into
an Internet-Draft ( You don't get the "publish or
perish" brownie points from those (at least as far as I know), but at
least you have a way of sending out the idea. Maybe someone will even
bother to read it and send feedback :-).