Protecting inbound interfaces (re: Cisco exploit)

Is there a way to globally protect all inbound interfaces on a router via ACL
(specifically hundreds of frame/sub-interfaces) without applying the same ACL
to each individual interface?

Is the "line vty" config only for telnet/ssh, etc. or is it the magic global
that I'm looking for?

I'd post this on inet-access but this is where the conversation is taking


Is there a way to globally protect all inbound interfaces on a router via ACL
(specifically hundreds of frame/sub-interfaces) without applying the same ACL
to each individual interface?

I believe something like this will work:

no access-l 198
access-list 198 deny 53 any any log-input
access-list 198 deny 55 any any log-input
access-list 198 deny 77 any any log-input
access-list 198 permit pim host xx.xx.xx.xx
access-list 198 deny pim any any log-input
access-list 198 permit ip any any

replace xx.xx.xx.xx with real ip address if you have PIM running, if you
don't, remove that line.

Is the "line vty" config only for telnet/ssh, etc. or is it the magic global
that I'm looking for?

No. I don't think so.

-Basil @ CIFNet

Depends on the platform; if it is a Cisco GSR or 7500 (w/ sufficiently current IOS), you can look into using a Receive ACL (rACL). The Cisco advisory being sent around in the discussion of the latest vulnerability has a link to more info for Cisco rACLs

- Wayne

Rick Ernst wrote:

Is this true:,3959,1196496,00.asp

**there is a working exploit for this vulnerability but that it has not been
released yet.**

Something was posted to the full-disclosure list. I havent tested it yet myself but someone else said it did work.


<quote who="Ken Yeo">

Is this true:,3959,1196496,00.asp

**there is a working exploit for this vulnerability but that it has not
released yet.**

No, it is not true. The exploit *has* been released:
