Process management

Perhaps it might be helpful to read how some folks on the outside
view the state of the Internet industry.

Just for grins the President's National Security Telecommunications
Advisory Comittee has established a working group on Internet outages.
You all did get your invitiations, didn't you?

A person asked my how I define 'tiny tykes.' Let me ask a hypothetical
question. Do you think I could get 100 ISPs to sign up for this?

Each contribute $25,000/annually to establish a out-of-band communication
system between all the participating network operation centers. This
may simply be a 'bat' phone with a really obnoxious ringer in the middle
of their NOC connected via nationwide system which doesn't rely on IP, ATM,
or SS7 to enable the NOCs coordinate/communicate when everything else
goes to hell. In a previous life I knew this as a 'squawk box' which
traders used worldwide.

There have already been cases (plural, more than one) where you could
not reach a provider's NOC because they obtained their 1-800 service
from the same network provider supplying their network facilities, and
the same event took out both.

Sean Donelan writes:

establish a out-of-band communication system [...] connected via
nationwide system which doesn't rely on IP, ATM, or SS7

I'm not sure where you'd find such a beast anymore. Maybe an SS7 and
an Iridium system, side-by-side, would do the trick.