PrimeNet's connectivity

This list is not the "I don't know how to use traceroute or radb"

  More correctly, if anyone who wanted connectivity clues posted
  here, it would quickly degenerate into chaos.

  If your request is a real one, try using traceroute, as well as
  show ip bgp reg 3561 (or whatever they are) or the mae-east
  looking glass (thanks digex).

  If it's a thinly veiled attempt to slam primenet's marketing
  claims, you're even sleazier than they are -- bringing marketing
  discussions onto a technical list brands you the moron -- not them.

  Cheers, unless this was a slam and not a serious question,


=) This list is not the "I don't know how to use traceroute or radb"
=) list.

  And I was using traceroute except that from CRL, it shows
Sprintlink but from Primenet, it connects directly to CRL.

=) More correctly, if anyone who wanted connectivity clues posted
=) here, it would quickly degenerate into chaos.
=) If your request is a real one, try using traceroute, as well as
=) show ip bgp reg 3561 (or whatever they are) or the mae-east
=) looking glass (thanks digex).

  I did use traceroute already.

=) If it's a thinly veiled attempt to slam primenet's marketing
=) claims, you're even sleazier than they are -- bringing marketing
=) discussions onto a technical list brands you the moron -- not them.

  I wasn't bringing marketing discussions but this is technical
since someone from Primenet said CRL was lagging which it wasn't from
UUNet or MCI but just Primenet alone, traceroute shows sprintlink in
the path but the return path doesn't.

=) Cheers, unless this was a slam and not a serious question,

  Since when was cheers wrong for email. A lot of people use cheers
even before the days of when the net became commercial.

Vince - vince@MCESTATE.COM - vince@GAIANET.NET ________ __ ____
Unix Networking Operations - FreeBSD-Real Unix for Free / / / / | / |[__ ]
GaiaNet Corporation - M & C Estate / / / / | / | __] ]
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HongKong Stars/Gravis UltraSound Mailing Lists Admin /_/_/_/_/|___/|_|[____]