Preferring RSVP for only one l2circuit.

I have a full-mesh LDP LSPs between my MX-104 routers, however, between two specific routers and on the same loopbacks I configured RSVP LSP to be used as the transport for only one l2circuit and no more. The problem is, when the RSVP gets signaled, it gets installed in the inet.3 and gets preferred over any other LDP LSP. So all the traffic destined to RSVP tail-end will prefer the RSVP over the LDP.

I have increased the preference of the RSVP, and it has been taken out of the inet.3, so the l2circuit didn't prefer the RSVP path anymore!

Do anyone has a working configuration for this? or should I configured another loopback address on every pair of routers for the RSVP signalling?

-- mk

I have increased the preference of the RSVP, and it has been taken out of the inet.3, so the l2circuit didn't prefer
the RSVP path anymore!

Just add "no-install-to-address" to the LSP.

tried this Timothy, and the RSVP didn't appear in the inet.3. Failed to work!

    ( it might be a bit much to look for that here, but meh its Friday )


    Usual Multi-point L2 services, with L3 path(s) to the Internet
-and/or- inter-site L3 routing (VRF per customer).

    This is a simple project involving upgrading a L2 MAN into and more
flexible and isolated (MACs wise) MPLS infrastructure.

Road blocks

    We're wasting way too much time with sales rep/engineer, for then,
ending up finding some irrelevant limitation after having spent ~20h of
man power looking at their offering.


    ( Obviously interoperability is just ridiculous when talking MPLS... )

    Thus I'm looking for reference designs from different vendor viewpoint.

    Simple enough, but I would like to put the "make/model of the actual
device capable" of doing the function at the P, PE and CE level of their

    Too many times we ended up finding boxes that look the part but are
limited in such a way to accomplish only the task that fit the vendor
own MPLS paradigm.
    ( TLDR: Make us spend more $$$ than needed =D long gone is the
swiss-knife concept )

    Offlist answers are fine.

Best option is to create a separate Loopback interface on each router,
and use that to signal the RSVP tunnels.

It's the only way to keep your LDP and RSVP tunnels from mingling with
each other for EoMPLS circuits you want to nail on a given path.


    ( Obviously interoperability is just ridiculous when talking MPLS... )

Why would you think so?

    Too many times we ended up finding boxes that look the part but are
limited in such a way to accomplish only the task that fit the vendor
own MPLS paradigm.
    ( TLDR: Make us spend more $$$ than needed =D long gone is the
swiss-knife concept )

What platforms have you worked on before that have caused you grief?
