pre-NANOG road trip -- non-agenda, ignore if offended

I'm sending this to the list becuase it proposes alternative transportation.
Apologies to those who are not interested.

I live out here, and might be interested in flying up to SouthLake Saturday
and back on Sunday. I can get a Cherokee Six (six-place aircraft) and
if we split the expenses 6 ways, round trip would work out somewhere around
$75-100 per person.

I'm Instrument Rated (can fly in clouds and fog), and the airplane is quite
capable of carrying six people and their skis/gear. (Large aft and
decent sized forward) baggage compartment and center aisle adequate for skis.

This would allow a departure time more like 0700 from any bay area
airport instead of 0530. The plane is parked at Palo Alto (PAO), but
I can easily prep the plane and fly it to any other airport in the bay
area depending on the geographic location of people who are interested.

I've tentatively booked the airplane for that time-period. If people
aren't interested, I'll cancel it. I can cancel any time up to 2/5/97,
so there's no rush to make a decision. If I receive replies from interested
parties by 1/31, I'll keep the plane reservation.


(I've cc'd the aircraft owner in case he is interested in tagging along.
He's not a Network Operator, but he's over at Sun Engineering, so he'll
fit into the crowd fairly well) :slight_smile: