Power outage in Vienna, Virginia and other things

SEAN@dra.COM (Sean Donelan) writes:

While checking on Vienna, I also found I had problems reaching sites
in Boston, MA. Both Tufts University and Boston University are off-net.
I haven't heard of anything happening in the Boston area. I know Tufts
switch providers, but I don't know about BU. So the information in the
RADB may not give good information for reaching the correct upstream

The sites have come back up, and it appears the former nearnet lost
more customers than I knew about. Because the new provider doesn't
include information in an public RADB-like database, I didn't realize
all the sites went through the same place. I was looking for and asking
the wrong provider. UUNET had announced on their maintenance page they are
replacing routers in Boston, MA this morning. The router maintenance
affected the sites I was using to check for problems: computerworld.com,
tufts.edu, and bu.edu. I guess its time to look for new beacons.