power issues for manhattan/telco-hotels

anyone have any idea if power is being restored, or if the facilites running
through 60 hudson, 25 broadway, etc al are at the mercy of existing diesel

25 Broadway is on generator. Supposedly they have 48 hours of fuel. I
haven't heard about 60 Hudson or 111 8th Ave.

like they are gonna let a diesel tanker just pull into town to top everyone up.

From my experience during Hurricane Andrew, it doesn't matter if you have

"priority" service contracts for diesel delivery. Hospitals get first call
on any diesel. ISPs aren't even on the list.

> anyone have any idea if power is being restored, or if the facilites running
> through 60 hudson, 25 broadway, etc al are at the mercy of existing diesel
> supplies?

25 Broadway is on generator. Supposedly they have 48 hours of fuel. I
haven't heard about 60 Hudson or 111 8th Ave.

CNN has reported that a whole substation located near the WTC has been
destroyed, and that the only source of AC will be generators brought in
today. I'd say that given people are still using cellphones from inside
the rubble of WTC, that the telco infrastructure that will get first
priority will be cell basestations, and not isp's...

Does anyone have status on 111 8th Ave, 60 Hudson, or 1 State Street Plaza? I posted from work, but it seems that our external email is fsck'ed at the moment. Sorry for the duplicate when it comes...