
Yo All!

Is it no longer required to monitor the postmaster@ ?

Did RFC 822 and RFC 5321 get repealed? Or is M$ more special than the
rest of us?


Postmaster@ is so widely spammed as to be useless. Standards, and even laws, can be overcome by reality. Witness the DoNotCall list.

-mel beckman

Gary E. Miller wrote:

Is it no longer required to monitor the postmaster@ ?

Did RFC 822 and RFC 5321 get repealed? Or is M$ more special than the
rest of us?

Not just M$ but Cloudflare too: Abuse approach - Cloudflare

Worse is that you might need to complete a CAPTCHA just to get to that page, /me barfs

* (Mel Beckman) [Sat 15 Jun 2019, 03:49 CEST]:

Postmaster@ is so widely spammed as to be useless.

Not my experience at all (*knocks wood*). RIPE database contacts, on the other hand...

  -- Niels.

It is monitored just not by humans and you did receive a response that could be useful though you didn't like it. Microsoft is hardly the only company that prefers web pages over e-mail these days.


I wonder how much do-not-reply@ and similar is spammed?

Where have you been? The champions of the cause gave up years ago.

You could still try but it doesn’t look especially maintained.

I presume you were contacting them due to their (apparently) bogus SPF
parsing? Seems they recently broke something and email servers I've been
sending from for 10 years without much configuration change recently
started getting generic SPF-looking failure messages (I guess they don't
properly parse "+MX -ALL"?).

Given the automated form linked at that page also returns garbage about
how my IPs look fine and aren't blacklisted and there is no reason why
mail shouldn't deliver (why bother having a box to put the error
message?), can someone over there contact off-list?
