Postmaster notify: Host unknown (Name server: host not found)

Look. Just got 30 of these. First international relay. Coincidence that it happened today? Or is it more likely the culprit is on this list? That is, a malicious antispammer.

Actually, we were probed by someone at dansk telecom a few weeks ago. From a non-customer machine. Hmm.


Look. Just got 30 of these. First international relay. Coincidence that it
happened today? Or is it more likely the culprit is on this list? That is,
a malicious antispammer.

  Most antispammers aren't malicious, just a small number who
  manage to be high profile.

---------========== J.D. Falk <> =========---------
  > "All men know the wisdom of useful things, |
  > but true wisdom lies in knowing the utility of futility." |
  > - Chuang-Tzu |
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