Posting from freebie E-mail Accounts

Is there anyone here who is legitimate using a freebie webmail account?
I am proposing that the NANOG administration drop everything originating
from commonly used webmail providers, and add further RHS filters as
additional providers are identified as problems.


I'm implicitly legit; further, gmail auto-threads all of the run-on posts automatically (much unlike, outlook 2k8, etc). What's the beef?


I have mixed feelings--I use a gmail account for some things.

As a moderator on other lists, I'm more comfortable with taking a quick
hammer to miscreants with any debate off line.

I'm betting more then a few of use free mail accts to keep this
separate from our work mail. If your really having that much issue,
config your mail server to drop it yourself or unsub....


-jim yes posted from gmail acct.

I've found that most folks administering mailing lists tend to advocate
that folks use a personal email address on them, not a professional one,
as it tends to free the list from a glut of 'Out of Office' notices,
rediculously long disclaimer footers, and other such things; this seems
particularly relevant for NANOG.

With that in mind and noting a goodly number of folks using gmail, among
others, i'm not sure the cost:benefit would be there?

There's other ways to moderate content on a mailing list....

I keep all of my mailing list stuff in gmail. I suppose I could move it,
but this list has so little trouble (unless gmail is doing a fantastic job
of shielding me) that I don't see the point.


- - ferg

Andrew D Kirch wrote:

Is there anyone here who is legitimate using a freebie webmail account?
I am proposing that the NANOG administration drop everything originating
from commonly used webmail providers, and add further RHS filters as
additional providers are identified as problems.


Ok, point made.


I use gmail for all mailing lists. It's easier for me to organize my
work flow and catch up on threads on my BB when I have a spare idle

I oppose this proposal.

There are very legitimate (and legal) reasons why people may want to
post to an operational list, using an address that can not tie them to
the location or business that they are posting from.

This list does not see much spam (or at least I don't). That said, let
the list maintainers decide.


I would much prefer if EVERYBODY used freebie email accounts as opposed to their corporate ones, as this would make it more likely that they would quote "correctly" and we would get less silly legal disclaimers and out of office messages.

I don't use my work account for any mailing lists because it's totally useless for that purpose. I also will participate in these mailing lists regardless of my employer, thus I never understood why someone would want to post from their corporate accounts.

That's an exact opposite of silly from the OP's request; my "corporate
account" works just fine.


Well, your corporate account seems to involve less silly (exchange/lotus notes) than most.

Paul Ferguson wrote:

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I'm betting more then a few of use free mail accts to keep this
separate from our work mail. If your really having that much issue,
config your mail server to drop it yourself or unsub....


-jim yes posted from gmail acct.

- - ferg

+1 (posting from gmail account)


Bad idea. While free webmail providers are prodigious sources of abuse,
they're not prodigious sources of abuse that makes it through to this list --
thanks to what I'm presuming is prudent configuration of the MTA and Mailman
instance involved in running it.

Additionally, some folks find that directing bulk, non-personal traffic
like mailing lists to free webmail accounts makes it easier for them to
participate. (And as noted by others, it does seem to free us from
the meaningless, unenforceable, threatening disclaimers imposed by
some of the more clueless companies out there.) If using those accounts
facilitates the participation of people who can contribute to the
community, then I see no reason at present to put up barriers to that.


Currently there are 3556 post's from nanog in this mailist account, I use this 1,
of ten sub-accounts that I have with this provider to focus clearly on Nanog related issues.
It is not free.

I do however prefer that the professionals stay away from irc or facebook
cutsy pie names, it is also good if you show those names like fergie does
his, it is part of the network tradition and in good spirit.


I'm betting more then a few of use free mail accts to keep this
separate from our work mail. If your really having that much issue,
config your mail server to drop it yourself or unsub....


-jim yes posted from gmail acct.


- - ferg

+1 (posting from gmail account)

+2 (also from gmail)

free anti spam, no need for antivirus, free storage, spam don't go to
my "official" address, don't have to make backups, can read from
anywhere, mostly used for email lists.

The problem is the source not what service he/she uses, trolls will be
trolls regardless of what freebie fqdn they use.


We are not allowed to post from work email accounts to lists such as
these as well.

The CISO's reasoning (and he may have a point...) is that we might ask
the list "Hey...I can't figure out why my Cisco $MODEL router is doing
"this" when I upgrade to $VERSION of IOS."

Then someone trolling to hack you knows you have one of them in your
network running that version of code. It still may be easy enough to
extrapolate where you work from your personal email using other
publicly available methods but

jim deleskie <> writes:


I'm betting more then a few of use free mail accts to keep this separate
from our work mail.

As a positive side effect there are fewer "Out of Office replies" when
people use different accounts for "normal" work mail and mailing lists.

If your really having that much issue, config your mail server to drop
it yourself or unsub....

Or use a decent mail client which allows scoring and / or kill files.



What's your opinion (if any) about free-mail accounts listed for