Possibly a little OT, has spam in theme

What is nifty.com? Is it legitimate? The web page is in Chinese.

I noticed they were trying to do a lot of connects to our mail servers
but were in the block list and seem to have been for years.

So I opened it up because fool that I am I like to believe people mend
their ways.

It instantly began flooding us with spam, lottery-office@whatever,
dictionary attacks, that kind of thing.

So I blocked them again. I've never had a customer complaint about
this block.

It's making me lose faith in humanity, a little.

Totally gratuitous internet governance snark:

  And they're meeting in Dubai because some countries believe they can
  be the new sheriff in town? HAH! We've got a hundred million
  teenagers with whiskey and loaded shotguns roaming the landscape and
  they think it's just a matter of showing a little authority from
  people with snappy new uniforms...good luck with that buckaroos!

Actually it's in Japanese. Nifty is one of the oldest (and at one time, largest) access services in Japan. It's owned by owned by Fujitsu.

From here it looks like it's originated by AS2510, which is also Fujistsu.

So "it" is legitimate, even if the unwanted traffic your receiving is not.


Actually it's in Japanese. Nifty is one of the oldest (and at one

From here it looks like it's originated by AS2510, which is also Fujistsu.

So "it" is legitimate, even if the unwanted traffic your receiving is not.

  Owning and using a domain name with 1 character difference from Nifty, its amazing what I used to receive via the catch-all.

  One of the many reasons I turned it off, ultimately.
