Possible topic?

Hey all,

If I could add a NAP to this list, the Sprint NAP is having
horrific packet loss and I understand that legal action
was necessary to get the invovled parties to resolve the

Here's the information I received from a source at MCI. I
suggest you label this information as rumor and change it
as you see fit. :slight_smile:

There is a FDDI Ring at the NAP which was overcrowded.
It apparently took some legal action to get Sprint
(or whoever is responsible for the Sprint NAP :slight_smile: )
to make the necessary upgrades. What I've heard is that
4 GigaSwitches are being installed from MFS and that
this installation/upgrade ETR is 1-2 months.

What I can tell you for sure is that we are seeing between
10-25% packet loss on a daily basis across that NAP. We
have seen these numbers on both our MCI and UUNet connection.
(for the record, the UUNet packet loss is generally lower,
of course I get randomnly disconnected from various sites
when using UUNet... its all compromise these days...)

So, where is Bob Metcalfe when you need him??? :slight_smile:

Sorry for the me too post... I feel like an AOLer...

Sean Rolinson

Hey all,

If I could add a NAP to this list, the Sprint NAP is having
horrific packet loss and I understand that legal action
was necessary to get the invovled parties to resolve the

According to my GIGAswitch counters this claim is without basis. The
Sprint NAP is not suffering any packet loss, let alone "horrific". What
legal action are you referring to? Is this action towards the ISPs or the
Sprint NAP? I know of no legal action against us!

Here's the information I received from a source at MCI. I
suggest you label this information as rumor and change it
as you see fit. :slight_smile:

Can you reveal your source? I have received no complaints from MCI or
others at the NAP.

There is a FDDI Ring at the NAP which was overcrowded.
It apparently took some legal action to get Sprint
(or whoever is responsible for the Sprint NAP :slight_smile: )
to make the necessary upgrades. What I've heard is that
4 GigaSwitches are being installed from MFS and that
this installation/upgrade ETR is 1-2 months.

You obviously have no knowledge of Sprint's NAP topology! All providers
are directly connected to GIGAswitch ports. Only providers with one (1)
DS3 to their router share one GIGAswitch LAN. Hardly enough traffic to
saturate a 100 Mbps (dedicated) LAN!

What I can tell you for sure is that we are seeing between
10-25% packet loss on a daily basis across that NAP. We
have seen these numbers on both our MCI and UUNet connection.
(for the record, the UUNet packet loss is generally lower,
of course I get randomnly disconnected from various sites
when using UUNet... its all compromise these days...)

This packet loss may be caused on the ingress/egress WAN links and not
attributed to the NAP.

Maybe I misread your note. Please clarify.

If I could add a NAP to this list, the Sprint NAP is having
horrific packet loss and I understand that legal action
was necessary to get the invovled parties to resolve the


There is a FDDI Ring at the NAP which was overcrowded.
It apparently took some legal action to get Sprint
(or whoever is responsible for the Sprint NAP :slight_smile: )
to make the necessary upgrades. What I've heard is that
4 GigaSwitches are being installed from MFS and that
this installation/upgrade ETR is 1-2 months.

  Are you saying that Sprint obtained 4 GigaSwitches from MFS?
