Possible source of worm..

According to the South China Morning Post: http://www.scmp.com

"Roy Ko Wai-tak of the Hong Kong Computer Response Team says his team is tracing the source of the Sapphire worm, which
is believed to have come from Asia, maybe even Hong Kong." - Ricky Chang

I can't get access to the news article, seemingly you have to have premium access.

According to the South China Morning Post: http://www.scmp.com

"Roy Ko Wai-tak of the Hong Kong Computer Response Team says his team
is tracing the source of the Sapphire worm, which is believed to have
come from Asia, maybe even Hong Kong." - Ricky Chang

I can't get access to the news article, seemingly you have to have
premium access.

I have access to this article, some interesting paragraphs

The Washington Post reported on Sunday US experts and FBI's National
Infrastructure Protection Centre had found the worm contained references
in its code to the Honker group, a Chinese hacker group believed to be
active on the mainland and possibly Hong Kong.

However, most experts agree it is easy to hide identities and the
references might have been put in there to mislead investigators.

The Honker Union of China, a group of self-styled patriotic Chinese, has
claimed responsibility for an attack on the White House's official Web
site and hundreds of US government and company portals and Web pages
since 2001.

It has been denounced by the Chinese government for worsening Sino-US
relations. No one from the Honker group has been identified or arrested
so far.