[Possible OT] California, and running off of generators for extended periods

Why not just go straight to nuclear powered colo? :stuck_out_tongue:


> Anyone using or considering using a gas turbine instead of diesel to
> run their generators?

Why not just go straight to nuclear powered colo? :stuck_out_tongue:


that would make you popular with the neighbors...

Seems like fuel cells have an application for co-gen apps. of course you
need a source of hydrogen such as natural gas which has it's own

Looks like a great idea but, in Columbus, people can't even get a license
to sell booze on Sunday, let alone run a nuclear plant.

Can you imagine going to your city councel and saying "The good news is
that we're getting rid of the generator that everyone has been complaining
about. The bad news is that we want to install a nuclear plant."