port 123 reflection attacks

Where does it say we need to contact home cert instead on your website ?
verification of what ?
HSOFT ranges have been compromised by NTP reflection attacks and the NTP servers hosted by HSOFT need to have a NTP update.

This has been discussed on NANOG and I also sent information in Chinese to aid debug as well.

Have had no response from HSOFT…


hi ya colin

Where does it say we need to contact home cert instead on your website ?

because cncert@cert.org.cn asked ?

verification of what ?

i'd want to see if it's a simple port scan by a script kidddie vs
a more serious upcoming DOS attack from attackers with a "evil purpose"

they might just be poking around to find vulnerable ntpd servers ?

since there's been no satisfactory answer in 5 days,
in the meantime, i'd suggest:
- be sure ntpd is properly configured
- be sure to be running the latest ( no known exploits ) ntpd server
- ntpd servers should only be necessary for your servers ...
  and incoming connections from outside should never reach your ntpd
- use an alternative ntpd server/source on a different wire

HSOFT ranges have been compromised by NTP reflection attacks

there's a difference between compromized vs port scanning ( probes )

- compromized... hsoft need to fix it ( upgrade and reconfigure ntpd )

- probes/scanners ... nothing much you can do other than limit your
  outgoing ( 123/udp) replies

- there's thousands of probes occuring constantly on various ports ...

and the NTP servers hosted by HSOFT need to have a NTP update.

they better get going to update their ntpd and configs ...

i'd rattle hsoft's cage harder ... :slight_smile:

This has been discussed on NANOG and I also sent information in Chinese to aid debug as well.

Have had no response from HSOFT…


i wonder what else is occupying their time

magic pixie dust
# DDoS-Simulator.net

> From: "cncertcc" <cncert@cert.org.cn>
> Subject: Re:Fwd: port 123 reflection attacks
> Date: 30 December 2015 at 08:15:28 GMT
> To: "Colin Johnston" <colinj@gt86car.org.uk>
> Greetings,
> Please forward the case to the corresponding CERT you are located in first to have it transferred to CNCERT after verification. Thanks for your understanding.


- be sure ntpd is properly configured

to be explicit, test it

     % ntpdc -n -c monlist psg.com
     psg.com: timed out, nothing received
     ***Request timed out

this is the desired result. any real response means the host is open
to be a reflector

fwiw, i got caught last week. a debien vm had been brought up using
dhcp, and the /var/lib/ntp/ntp.conf.dhcp was still there after the host
was reconfigured to static. took me a while to find it. embarrassing.
my ntp.yml playbook now has as it's first task

    - name: remove dhcpd artifact
      file: path=/var/lib/ntp/ntp.conf.dhcp state=absent
