Policy Statement on Address Space Allocations

> If an organization registered an address they are responsible for
> keeping the contact name up to date. If they don't announce the
> route, they have not provided a valid contact, and there is no way to
> contact them, including publishing a list on major mailing lists, then
> it should be safe to recover the address since every reasonable effort
> was made to contact them. If a route is not announced, this is a NOOP
> anyway.

  You idiot - how could you say such a thing. What about the poor guy
who is using the net behind a firewall. :wink:
-- Curtis

  You ignorant bozo - I meant it has no effect on routing table size.
Any attempt to recover it is a NOOP until we actually need the 192/8
space which won't be for a very long time (after A space is
exhausted). :wink:
-- Curtis

ps - I trust its perfectly acceptable to email flaming insults when
replying to yourself.