Policy Statement on Address Space Allocations

> We are working on the 192.x.x.x swamp right now.
> Rough estimates (with much more accurate data @ NANOG)
> 60% - invalid or missing contact information

This is interesting. How about a policy that says if nobody can contact you
and none of your addresses are reachable, then after some period, your
addresses get recycled.

  Interesting indeed.

  Lets see...

  Nobody can contact you .. is that the admin/tech contact,
    the administrative entity (corp, gov, agency etc)
    or ???
  Addresses not reachable .. From which vantage point is this
    measuerment taken?
  Some period .. Like the 99 year lease on HongKong?

  Perhaps there is better wisdom out there on correct metrics
  for these values. From my limited viewpoint, the only way
  to recover the space is a voluntary return, based on the
  original allocation policies. There may be other incentives
  applied to facilitate the return, but strong-arm tactics
  and coersion, threats and hostile actions are not my favorites.
  I'd prefer to take almost any other action than blacklisting and
  hijacking. To take such actions, while it can be rationalized
  as a technological means to protect a networks internal
  stability, is presumptious and rude at best and legally
  indefensable at worst.

  Now if there are existant policies -in place-, that constrain
  the prefix handling, then your questions have been answered.

  Just my humble opinion.


so what you're saying is, if a Government (agency) were to take such
action, it could work..???

  but then again, we don't *want* government involved...

  where's daddy when you need him ? Love/hate relationship to
say the least.

> There may be other incentives
> applied to facilitate the return, but strong-arm tactics
> and coersion, threats and hostile actions are not my favorites.
> I'd prefer to take almost any other action than blacklisting and
> hijacking. To take such actions, while it can be rationalized
> as a technological means to protect a networks internal
> stability, is presumptious and rude at best and legally
> indefensable at worst.

  so what you're saying is, if a Government (agency) were to take such
action, it could work..???

  but then again, we don't *want* government involved...

well, then there are a couple of simple rules to be observed

1) dont piss off the international community and declare Internet to US
owned (like the guy who posted 'he is sick of his country to provide
support for others who don't deserve it'.
2) work for seamless interoperability, and this means cast out people or
corporations who do noe
3) don't implement anything that causes friction , is not backwards
compatible, or deprives communities (which can be nations, networks,
religious aggregations or sex maniacs) from expressing themselves
*between themselves* (watch the stars!).

Be conservative in what you receive, leading edge in what you provide

Simple, no?


(this .sig is really only for id, not for anything else!)