PM3's crashing

Anyone seeing odd crashes on Lucent PM3's tonight? We have boxes dying all
over the network with hard lockups. The machines are in different physical
locations with different telcos. It smells alot like a DOS of some sort.

Mark Radabaugh
(419) 720-3635

Once upon a time, Mark Radabaugh <> said:

Anyone seeing odd crashes on Lucent PM3's tonight? We have boxes dying all
over the network with hard lockups. The machines are in different physical
locations with different telcos. It smells alot like a DOS of some sort.

Do you have SNMP enabled? We have a couple of TNTs stop talking to the
ethernet periodically, apparently due to the SNMP bugs (and someone
probing). Software upgrades are now scheduled (of course, not an option
for the PM3 <sigh>).

Strange, as I recall the testing we did at the last snmp 'event' showed
the TNT's to actually be one of the best off snmp-bug-wise, with no
service impacting snmp bugs.

:> Do you have SNMP enabled? We have a couple of TNTs stop talking to the
:> ethernet periodically, apparently due to the SNMP bugs (and someone
:> probing). Software upgrades are now scheduled (of course, not an option
:Strange, as I recall the testing we did at the last snmp 'event' showed
:the TNT's to actually be one of the best off snmp-bug-wise, with no
:service impacting snmp bugs.

Same here.

Not that snmp bugs should matter - why should such traffic be allowed

For some odd reason, both of our NYC POPs with different CLECS in different locations had the same problem periodically with different random PM3s. We now block all SNMP from all addresses except our management networks toward our PM3s and they have been fine ever since. You will need to create an outbound Ethernet filter from your router or an inbound filter on the PM3 Ethernet or WAN for this. Just in case the bug would still show with an inbound filter, I suggest you filter on a non-PM3 box if possible. We run ComOS 3.9.1b1 if it is of any consequence.

gnapsny3> ver
Lucent PortMaster PM-3 ComOS 3.9.1b1
System uptime is 136 days 8 hours 50 minutes


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