PLNOG3 - 10-11.09.2009 - Call for Papers!


Polish Network Operators Group (PLNOG)[1] will meet for the third
time ever on 10th and 11th of September 2009 in Cracow, Poland.

We would like to invite You all to submit your presentation proposal.

The plan for PLNOG 3rd is to have three tracks:

* Architectures and technologies - sessions covering networking
   solutions, future of standards and the standarization process
   for current technologies;

* Real-life deployments and best practices - sessions covering
   first-hand experience with deployment of specific solutions,
   products and solutions

* Content provider architecture and scalability - dedicated for
   people interested in building backends for all kinds of
   networking sites like portals, community sites and etc.

Additionally, we would like to invite You to suggest subjects for the
open discussion sessions that will take place before the main event
and after the keynotes. Last subjects revolved around IPv6 deployment
and lawful intercept issues from the government and practical point
of view.

The submissions will be discussed by the PLNOG board[2], so the dead
line for them is 25th of June, 2009. The full agenda with all
sessions will be published no later than to 10th of July, 2009.

CfP proposals should be sent to following e-mail:

  andrzej.targosz {%}

with the prefix 'PLNOG3' in subject.

We would also like to invite all vendors to participate in
presentations - however, bear in mind please no vendor-oriented
sessions will be permitted, which means no sales, no marketing, only
pure technical stuff. The pointers to some specific design issues,
products or solutions are allowed if they follow approved presentation
flow and are relevant to subject covered.

Last but not least - if You want to sponsor PLNOG we'd be more than
happy to discuss this with You.
