phone equipment query

This is probably not the best place for this, but is vaguely an ISP
operational issue:

We are moving in a few weeks to a bigger building, and were going to
change over from the usual separate wire lines to trunk-side T1s. The
original Bell South quote was only $100 a month cheaper (including our
own extra equipment costs amortized over 3 years), but every little bit

When we went to make the order today, Bell South suddenly changed its
mind, forwarded us to a different person, and the new quote is _exactly_
the same per T1 as 24 separate lines, plus a much heftier installation
charge ($5,100 versus earlier $2,750), plus our extra equipment costs.

Phooey. Nothing doing. These costs are already twice as much as
Ameritech (where I live, and which I always thought overpriced).

So, we are looking very hard at the new FCC regs on unbundling. We will
be very happy to offer combined telephone and internet service for the
same rate (or less) than Bell South is charging for phone alone. The CO
is only 2 blocks down the street. Our customer base is about 1/16 the
residences, and 1/4 the Chamber of Commerce businesses in this small
town, and we are adding 100 a month. But....

We are totally clueless in the phone vendor business. Anybody know
where to find our own switching equipment? Any other hints?

Heck, while I'm at it, where do I find out about ADSL equipment?
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Comdisco is a good place to start, a re-seller of most all equipment.

Scott F. Reubelt

William Allen Simpson wrote:

We are totally clueless in the phone vendor business. Anybody know
where to find our own switching equipment? Any other hints?

Don't forget clueful employees.

Heck, while I'm at it, where do I find out about ADSL equipment?


Michael Dillon - Internet & ISP Consulting
Memra Software Inc. - Fax: +1-250-546-3049 - E-mail: