Peering Policy ( was Re: AGIS/DIGEX )

Source of data, please?


Same source as the other guy's data. I pulled it out of thin air.
Actually, I figured $2,000 per month would be an appropriate salary for
one clerk to handle this job.

And the point was that managing settlements costs money. We know that in
the POTS system the costs of usage based billing are at least 50% of the

Michael Dillon - ISP & Internet Consulting
Memra Software Inc. - Fax: +1-604-546-3049 - E-mail:

  And the point was that managing settlements costs money. We know that in
  the POTS system the costs of usage based billing are at least 50% of the

They are happy - POTS have not 'ping', 'www', 'IP', 'connectionless',
etc, etc... It's easy to compare IP with TV...

BTW, that's why PTT likmes ATM - there is _CONNECTION_ and it's easy
to get money for the every bit -:). But it's outside this list.