Peering in Latin America

Hi There,

I am looking for carriers who offer peering in Latin America
(Specifically Costa Rica). So far the only carrier in Costa Rica who I
have been able to find that does this is ADN (American Data Networks, While they are already on my list for a quote, we need
at least one other diverse connection, so I would appreciate if anyone
else would be able to help me find other carriers who operate here?
Here's who i've contacted so far:

RACSA - Can't get past 1st level support (they don't know what BGP is)
ICE - Tried contacting a person who's address I was previously given
from NANOG to no avail
Global Crossing - Said they contacted an engineer who would get back
to me, mailed them 4 times since to no avail (no bounced emails
Level 3 - Apparently don't operate in Latin America
AT&T - Want us to have a minimum of 3 locations in the US to peer with first

So far ADN are the only carrier who have actually been of any help.
Quick Googling for "BGP Peering Latin America" and "BGP Peering Costa
Rica" and several variations thereof is not yielding any fruitful

Thanks and regards,


Ken Gilmour wrote:

Hi There,

I am looking for carriers who offer peering in Latin America
(Specifically Costa Rica). So far the only carrier in Costa Rica who I
have been able to find that does this is ADN (American Data Networks, While they are already on my list for a quote, we need
at least one other diverse connection, so I would appreciate if anyone
else would be able to help me find other carriers who operate here?
Here's who i've contacted so far:

RACSA - Can't get past 1st level support (they don't know what BGP is)
ICE - Tried contacting a person who's address I was previously given
from NANOG to no avail
Global Crossing - Said they contacted an engineer who would get back
to me, mailed them 4 times since to no avail (no bounced emails
Level 3 - Apparently don't operate in Latin America
AT&T - Want us to have a minimum of 3 locations in the US to peer with first

So far ADN are the only carrier who have actually been of any help.
Quick Googling for "BGP Peering Latin America" and "BGP Peering Costa
Rica" and several variations thereof is not yielding any fruitful

Thanks and regards,


To be clear; are you looking for paid transit connectivity within Costa Rica for the purposes of localizing traffic or are you looking for free or reduced cost connectivity to very specific SP's in Costa Rica?


Hi Dave,

I am specifically looking for any of the following two items:

1. A point-to-point link which we can advertise our own PI space on
2. A carrier which we can peer with for diversity.

The current problem we have is that none of our carriers here support
BGP so connection failover is done by means of manually switching
routes on leased lines which causes our IP addresses to change. We are
a 24/7 operation which depends on 5 nines uptime at the network level.

I expect to pay for transit - but would not say no to free stuff
(especially pens and tshirts) :slight_smile:



To also reply to my own reply :slight_smile:

We have BGP4 networks in other locations (IPv4 and IPv6) - Costa Rica
being one of the places that don't have it... We would really like to
be able to implement it here but are finding it difficult to find SPs
who support Customers who advertise their own PI space.

Ken Gilmour wrote:

We have BGP4 networks in other locations (IPv4 and IPv6) - Costa Rica
being one of the places that don't have it... We would really like to
be able to implement it here but are finding it difficult to find SPs
who support Customers who advertise their own PI space.

It doesn't sound like you want peering - specifically AT&T's answer
implies they think you want settlement-free peering when you just want
to announce your routes via BGP (aka paid transit).


Yes - Sorry my initial approach to NANOG was not very specific!
However my approach to the SPs was very specific (and ADN understood
exactly what I wanted when I first approached them and are working on
a quote)... I specifically asked how we would go about getting a
second point-to-point link and peer with them over that link (and for
existing providers such as ICE and RACSA) how we could upgrade our
current contract to allow us to announce our own PI space... I am not
sure how I could be any more specific than that...


You may want to double check your verbage when talking with providers.

Transit = you pay for the bandwidth.

Peering = free and is a mutual agreement between the two providers.

Sounds like you want transit. I'd stop using the "peering" word as it may be confusing people, including your providers.



Please contact the following persons:

For RACSA: Luis Kopper (
For ICE: Oscar Romero (

Luis and Oscar understand BGP and others terms about SP.


How many times more anyone will be lookin to ask the same questions. IX's (peering) are there and most likely companies have presence either on the NY IX or LINX so ask them around and peer w/ them locally. Transite is a costy solution unless you want to load balance your traffic and have means of cross-charge.

peering in the IX's a.k.a peering -> unless is a payed service =private-peering! at the exchange


peering in the IX's a.k.a peering -> unless is a payed service =private-peering! at the exchange

despite full sentences are clearly better to understand, the term "_private_
peering" does not necessarily include payments. It just means that the
interconnect is not realized via a _public_ infrastructure as an IX's network
e.g., but via _discrete_ p2p links, for example.

Paid services are often referred to as "transit" or sometimes even "transit
light" (meaning "my network and the ones of my customers", german Telekom uses
this) or explicitly "_paid_ peering" (which is a misuse of the word peering,
imho, as e.g. used by Arcor/Vodafone).

At least over here the nomenclature is like that :wink:

Kind regards,



Have you tried Columbus Networks? They are the owners of the
ARCOS fiber cable and do have a landing point in Costa Rica.
Check their website:


You are still confusing peering and transit with ability to announce
your IP prefix via BGP.

It may be very useful to others willing to help, if you provide a
better detail of what
kind of recipe you want to cook instead of asking where you can find
the individual


Just depends of the policy based billing /billing models in place. If "billing" is seen as a service the common denominator is the charge the port otherwise a variety of other elements.

Isn't skylink offering peering?