Peering for beginners


Our comapny going to build some peering POP across USA, and i really don't know where is the best place to have first POP?

Please advice.


- Konstantin N. Bezruchenko

Where's you're traffic going to, or coming from? Without knowing that, it's
hard to say...

Take a look at netflow, flowtools, etc, and work out where large chunks of
your traffic is going. Then research at to work out which
networks are likely to peer with you, and which peering exchanges they're
present at. Then look at the cost of transport from your existing POPs to
the peering points, and work out which ones it's financially viable for you
to reach.


Simon Lockhart wrote:

Take a look at netflow, flowtools, etc, and work out where large chunks of
your traffic is going. Then research at to work out which
networks are likely to peer with you, and which peering exchanges they're
present at. Then look at the cost of transport from your existing POPs to
the peering points, and work out which ones it's financially viable for you
to reach.

Thanks, i will look into

Basically i just want to know if there is some "must have" locations in US, with a lot of ISP's POP on-site. Like AMS-IX in Europe.

Personally, I'd suggest LINX if you want to get into Europe :slight_smile:

PAIX and Equinix are the big facilities in the US, but they have sites
across the country - with the biggest concentrations on the East and West
coasts. If you need to get into South America, then NAP of the Americas is
probably useful.


E has a significant presence in Chicago so don't leave us out. :slight_smile:


Out of curiosity, is this for AS35415?


- - ferg

Paul Ferguson wrote:

Out of curiosity, is this for AS35415?

AS Report

Nope. It's for our another AS.
AS35415 is for Europe only.