Peering at Equinix Sanjose

Hi all,

Lately, my company was ready for peering at Equinix exchange in Sanjose and sent peering request mail to as follow

But, we couldn’t get any response from other IX members. Could you let me know why nobody did respond us ?

Please advise me if we did something incorrectly.


Hi All,

Samsung Networks is now ready for peering at Equinix exchange and

we would like to kick off the peering with all the members of equinix.

Samsung Networks is a leading Global IP network communication specialist in the country, has locate 10 global POP sites around the world and fiber optical networks that enable integration of 5 domestic centers and 30 local POP across the country.

We provide service are internet leased line, Private Internet Service, MPLS, Web-hosting, and IP telephony service across the country.

Our many customer are Samsung Electronics, 30 subsidiary company of Samsung, and about 1000 major companies across the country.

In peering with Samsung Networks, can access directly as fast as possible at our 500 major customer web site, on-line game, and particular all contents of Samsung subsidiary.

Samsung Networks aims for open peering policy.

However, in the special cases, we can control traffic flow locally by using any bgp attributes.

Our details are as follows:

  • ASN : 6619

  • IP :


  • Max Prefixes: 200

  • MD5 : (negotiable)

  • contact :

If you would like to peer with Samsung Networks, please provide us with the following details and email to " "

and then we will set peering configuration on our side.

  • ASN:

  • IPs(s):


  • Contact:

  • Max Prefixes :

  • MD5 :

  • Contact information

Best Regards,

First problem is the name Samsung. This sounds like an electronics
company, not an Internet Service Provider.

integration of 5 domestic centers and 30 local POP across the country.

Second problem. It sounds like you only have 5 data centers and 30 PoPs
in the
USA. This is not very big.

I suspect that you were referring to a different country but the only
place in your
message where you give a clue to the identity of this country is here

Chi-Young Joung
Tel +82 70 7015 0623, Mobile +82 17 520 9193
Fax +82 70 7016 0031

Some people are smart enough to translate +82 into Korea, but when you
are trying to sell something, such as a peering opportunity, you should
make sure that nothing can be misunderstood.

I suggest that you write a new letter. Start by telling people that
you are owned by one of Korea's major electronics companies, you also
operate a major network covering all of South Korea. And then ask them
for peering.

--Michael Dillon