Peer1/Server Beach support for BGP on dedicated servers

Hello everyone

Was wondering if there's anyone from Server Beach/Peer1 here. We have a
dedicated server with them which we primarily use for DNS. I am adding
support for anycasting on that one but seems like Peer1 is not supporting
BGP at all. NOC support told me that they can announce our block
and statically pass us but cannot hear BGP announcement from our router.
Was wondering if someone else had similar issue?

This is important and if doesn't works then I would have to find a new
place for dedicated server somewhere in California.


Was wondering if there's anyone from Server Beach/Peer1 here. We have a
dedicated server with them which we primarily use for DNS. I am adding
support for anycasting on that one but seems like Peer1 is not supporting
BGP at all. NOC support told me that they can announce our block
and statically pass us but cannot hear BGP announcement from our router.
Was wondering if someone else had similar issue?

Generally, most dedicated hosting (renting/leasing the exclusive use
of a computer in their facility) outfits aren't setup to speak BGP to
individual servers/customers. Such a request is usually infrequent
enough that it doesn't warrant setting up the added hardware.

While you could have your provider announce your space for you, you'll
loose the fine-grained control over how that route gets announced once
the routing is out of your hands.

This is important and if doesn't works then I would have to find a new
place for dedicated server somewhere in California.

I would instead recommend looking for a colocation provider that will
host small installations (1 - 5 U), but is also savvy enough to speak
eBGP with their customers.



Knowing Peer1, they *may be* accommodating enough to provide you with

Are you talking only to server beach support?

PS: Yes, your need are a bit different from their usual customers =D

( I wont make a shameless plug ... )

There are places that can do such requests easily and quickly, but
they're typically smaller outfits that don't have thousands of customers
doing cookie-cutter packages.


Any recommendations of such?


Peer1/SB employee here -

(disclaimer: I'm really in security, not networking)

I imagine this would be technically possible, but I have no clue as to whether it is something we could offer or not. If you like, feel free to contact me off-list and I'll forward your questions/requirements along to those who can provide a better answer.

- Sean offers web-orderable servers and VMs, with BGP
support (IPv4 and IPv6) available as a paid add-on in all service

I'm honestly surprised we don't see this supported by more folk in the
space. The configuration is relatively trivial to automate, with IRR
data generating prefix-list updates, and the customer use cases are


(disclaimer: biased recommendation)

Is this publicly advertised or do you have to ask for it? I can't find anything about BGP on their web site...



that does mention bgp, but not in the context of 'make my server do
bgp with the voxel network equipment'... in the context of: "If you
setup a cdn you need to speak bgp".

I don't see a clicky-box on the voxel server (dedicated hosting)
configuration and pricing page for 'add the bgp to my server, pls.'.


This is not what I would call "BGP support". It's just a CDN.


I know of a datacenter down in the Carolinas that will do such a setup for those sufficiently clued. Hit me up off list if you're interested in their details.



offlist a respondent states that emails to sales@ would get this
moving in the right direction... that seems promising.

thanks off-list respondent!