Paypal off-the-air?

It seems that PayPal is off-the-air. We're seeing all connections die via
uunet and sprint routes. Anyone know what's going on?


I dont think so...been doing a few paypal transactions since around 6 AM, actually just finished one a few minutes ago, and actually just logged into my account before sending this out....

It's not paypal....


John Ferriby writes:

It seems that PayPal is off-the-air. We're seeing all connections die via
uunet and sprint routes. Anyone know what's going on?


John Ferriby - PGP Key:
Fingerprint: 3B78 10AF A1B2 20D0 A5D9 983F 96FF D5BB CF11 BA97

Gerardo A. Gregory
Manager Network Administration and Security
402-970-1463 (Direct)
402-850-4008 (Cell)

It may just have been a temporary thing, I am able to reach the site fine
from here, and it traces through UUNET no problem.


I recall they were going offline from 12:30am to 3:00am Pacific Time for
maintenance. I'm not seeing any problems with the site right now, from
the east coast. Traceroutes timeout in San Jose AlterNet (starting on
EC), but http works fine.