paleolithic inquiry

need to put a usr everything modem, yes a modem, using inbound ppp on a
freebsd 10 box and a pots line.

anyone have the hacks for
  o modem switch settings and
  o /etc/ppp/ppp.conf


It’s been a very long time, but I remember that &D3 (or possibly &D2 depending on particular firmware) and S0=1 were important. I think &C, &R, S6 and possibly S7 were also important, but don’t remember the required values.

A quick peek at the documentation for those switches should provide obvious choices, IIRC.


need to put a usr everything modem, yes a modem, using inbound ppp on a
freebsd 10 box and a pots line.

anyone have the hacks for
  o modem switch settings and
  o /etc/ppp/ppp.conf

i have received a few really good looking detailed answers which i will
test when next in the colo and report or wiki.

of course i received one "don't do that, you should not be painting a
bikeshed at all, but building a doghouse." i figure that only one is
not a bad noise level.

thanks all


I think we should paint the garden shed blue...

I will say I'm starting to see a larger number of devices in the marketplace and locations where cellular data are making sense to replace POTS as OOB. The problem I always have is, if you are going to use it as OOB, where does it connect back to. Many of them want to VPN into a few points, but without knowing the ongoing state of their ip connectivity, one doesn't want to end up as the upstream for your oob :slight_smile:

You also need considerations akin to rfc2182 as well.

- Jared