packet loss out of Texas on Cogent and GlobalCrossing

I need the Nanog intellect,

We are seeing packet loss in certain scenarios only on traffic to and
from Austin, TX. The local provider is Time Warner and they are not
having (obvious) problems. We ran tests from NY and NJ over Internap
and AboveNet connections.We only see problems when the traffic goes
over gblx or cogent. Has anyone heard of problem with these carriers
out of Texas?

Good point, I can't seem to reproduce with the looking glass
interfaces out there. They either don't use enough packets in sequence
or don't through the problem hops. On this path:

Send ICMP echos to, timeout is 2 seconds, maximum hops
are 32,1 0ms 1ms 0ms 143ms
10ms 0ms 1ms 1ms 1ms 1ms 1ms 1ms 3ms
1ms 2ms 19ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 6ms
7ms 7ms 6ms 7ms 6ms 107ms 108ms 113ms 118ms
144ms 120ms 119ms 120ms 120ms 115ms 115ms 114ms
115ms 115ms 115ms
I re-tested and using 100 msg counts, I get 3-6% packet loss on
anything after 10. On hops 1-10, I'm all clean. That
address is inside TimeWarner/RR so I'll keep trying to contact them.

I take multiple services from Global Crossing in San Jose and have had
reports of packet loss from Cogent users in Chicago and London (and been
able to reproduce).

In all cases it appears to be after wherever Cogents' "mci01" location is.

10.|-- te0-3-0-3.mpd21.mci01.atl 0.0% 100 205.7 205.2 204.5 207.7 0.7

11.|-- te0-5-0-4.mpd21.ord01.atl 7.0% 100 238.4 235.6 230.4 239.1 2.0

12.|-- te0-0-0-5.ccr21.bos01.atl 4.0% 100 315.1 315.0 314.6 316.7 0.3

13.|-- te0-0-0-2.mpd21.lon13.atl 10.0% 100 323.7 323.7 321.6 325.7 0.7

14.|-- te2-1.ccr01.lon01.atlas.c 6.0% 100 324.6 332.8 314.9 523.0 38.5

15.|-- te1-2.mpd01.lon01.atlas.c 9.0% 100 326.3 339.3 324.9 506.0 39.5

10.|-- te0-4-0-3.mpd21.mci01.atl 0.0% 100 206.1 208.9 204.6 225.8 5.3

11.|-- te0-4-0-3.mpd21.ord01.atl 3.0% 100 239.2 237.0 228.7 239.5 1.9

12.|-- te0-0-0-1.ccr21.ord03.atl 4.0% 100 239.1 237.4 228.3 240.9 2.0

13.|-- te2-1.mpd02.ord03.atlas.c 4.0% 100 228.0 235.2 227.0 350.2 23.9
