P2P link over STM-1

I have clients who want a P2P link over STM-1.

How can I achieve this? What kind of equipment do I need.

At the moment I have a cisco 6500 and 7200VXR


Peter R.

Aren't STM-1 links, by their very nature, point-to-point links?

I don't think it's very clear what it is you're trying to do that's
out of the ordinary here--can you clarify what it is you're
trying to achieve?



I politely suggest a call into your Cisco account team so they can help you spec the equipment you require. Otherwise a quick google for Cisco+OC-48 would help you out tremendously.


As said above, STM-1s are by their very nature point to point links.

You just need an STM-1 interface on your side and another on the customer
side. Which one will depend on the router models you will be using. Also, as
said above, you will need to engage the help of your local Cisco partner for

From your side (I mean the service provider side) you can also have a

channelized STM-4 or STM-16 and use one STM-1 channel for this. This would
be a good idea if you plan to have more than one customer of this nature.
Beware that these interfaces can be quite expensive.

Hope this helps,


AFAIK you can get a channelized STM-1 card and offer your customers
E-1's, etc. Or, if you are looking to do Ethernet you would have to
move into the 15454 type chassis.


If it's a full STM-1, your client might be thinking of POS (packet over
sonet/sdh). This is (were) a very common high bandwidth technology some
years ago.

At least the 7200 do have cheap POS interfaces.

In addition, you can use either PPP or HDLC as L2 over POS.