Overhaul of U.S. telecom law to be introduced

Via the EE Times:


A Republican senator will unveil a rewrite of U.S. telecommunications laws on Wednesday (July 27).

Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., said he will introduce the Broadband Consumer Choice Act of 2005 during a Capitol Hill press conference.

"The bill will improve consumers� access to communication technology by rewriting outdated telecommunications laws," Ensign's office said in a statement. "One of the bill�s goals is to reduce government obstacles to technological innovation and expansion."

The proposed legislation would replace the Telecommunications Act of 1996.



- ferg

OK, which of the large telco / broadband outfits are lobbying for this one?

Based on who's introducing it, and past history -- CAN-SPAM, for one -- I'd
put a suspicious bet on the large fiber-monopoly telcos pushing this to
eradicate unbundled service requirements, so that they can push out
resellers and remarketers through a "competitive" market. (We'll see for
sure when the text is released, of course. :wink:

Another page from the man himself about it:


Excuse me, this was a general statement from two weeks ago, but it carries
more loaded statements about the upcoming bill's sponsor with regard to
telecom interests, and reads almost like a longer version of a bill's
"purpose" text.