Outages in the News


Are all our jobs in jeopardy?


I've linked together several on-line press accounts of the recent NSI
antics & fiber cuts at:


Randy Benn

Looks like this person has confused Eugene Kashpureff's stunts with
the NSI debacle.

It's things like this that threaten our (as well as the network's) reputation
when read by the 'internet savvy' public.

My apologies something so off topic.


There was a good article in the San Jose Mercury News which
  covered both events, but made it pretty clear that experts
  such as some guy from the FBI didn't think there was any real
  connection between them. Only important thing the article
  missed, IMHO, is that there's already new software out which
  wasn't as susceptible to Kashpureff's idiotic stunt.


  (Where else but Silicon Valley would this be front-page news?)

Better watch out, more reporting to come soon. I was just called by 3
seperate magazines for a quote about the NSI problems that we have been
having. The scary part is, 2 of them got my number from my postings on
usenet. I hope they aren't citing any Joe-Bob CNE they talk to as being
an "Internet Engineer for a major ISP." Then we are all in big trouble.

While there are at least a dozen stories out there so far about the recent
NIC antics, about 90% of the content in them all seems to be sourced from
2 wire stories--one from AP, one from Reuters.

Randy BEnn

Washington D.C.?


And this one's not from AP or Reuters.

Tine Hutchison
Senior Network Engineer
CAIS Internet

The Front Page Washington Post Articles leads with...

"Traffic on much of the Internet ground to a halt early yesterday
after a pair of human errors, an unprecedented glitch at the
Herndon company that maintains the Internet's address registry
and the accidental severing near Laurel of an important data

For much of the day, World Wide Web sites all over the
United States were inaccessible.... "

Yet, when I look at traffic statistics for MAE-East...

I notice only a SLIGHT reduction in Thursday's traffic when compared to the
other days this week (maybe 10% reduction for a couple hours)

I don't know if I would label that as "Ground to a halt"

It's a shame the media insists on exagerating the facts to give the
impression of "news"


Yeah, if their journalistic standards don't improve. The NetSol zone
file screwup is an "outside attack", now, 'eh?

-- jra

Looks like this person has confused Eugene Kashpureff's stunts with
the NSI debacle.


It's things like this that threaten our (as well as the network's) reputation
when read by the 'internet savvy' public.

Quite so.

My apologies something so off topic.


I don't think it's off topic at all. There won't _be_ anything to
operate if people like that end up testifying before, for example,
congressional committees...


-- jra

Or it could just show how elastic internet traffic really is. One person's
loss is another well-connected person's gain.
