[Outages-discussion] Recent outage in Australia affecting Telstra

Perhaps. I am not familiar with Australian jurisprudence, but the US there
is the doctrine of Last Clear Chance[1]... and the work necessary on Telstra's
part to avoid this problem is a) well known, b) arguably considered best
practice for a company in their field, and c) not disproportionately
onorous for them to have undertaken...

so even if they sue, it's not at all a clear cut case for them to "win".

-- jra
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_clear_chance

Being a relatively recent immigrant to Australia from the US, I can say
that, although I have no background in Australian legal shenanigans,
they aren't quite the litigious bastards we Americans tend to be.

Most of the commentary on AUSNOG tended towards "that was foolish,
hopefully they learn from that". I suspect the chances of there being
any legal fallout from this are slim.

I would probably suggest that there wouldn't be any.

*Skeeve Stevens, CEO*
eintellego Pty Ltd
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