Other NOGs around the world?

What other "network operator groups" are there around the world (besides NANOG)?

(I'd like to follow them to see what types of issues they see in their

What other "network operator groups" are there around the world (besides NANOG)?

This is what comes to mind. I am sure that others out there have more.

There is MENOG (Middle East) - http://www.menog.net/ - with some list traffic

SANOG (Southeast Asia) - http://www.sanog.org/

PACNOG (Pacific) - http://www.pacnog.org/

LACNOG - Latin America and Caribbean - Página de Información de LACNOG

AFNOG - Africa - http://www.afnog.org/

For country specific groups, there is
DENOG - Germany - http://www.denog.de/

A search reveals a bunch of other country specific ones (France, Switzerland, New Zealand, etc.) - I have no idea
how active they are.

And, RIPE of course has mailing lists for Europe (but they are not like NANOG) - http://www.ripe.net/ripe/maillists/index.html


UKNOF UK http://www.uknof.org.uk/

Next meeting in Edinburgh Scotland on September 7th.


AusNOG. At a bit of a low S:N right now.

We have been leading up to a Federal election, with two big tech issues
involved - a new national broadband network and Internet censorship.
These two topics have rather dominated discussions of late.


Regards, K.

and of course apricot (www.apricot.net)

FRNOG : France http://www.frnog.org : mail archive :

It's active but exclusively in French.

In Switzerland, you have SwiNOG acting in English:

On Aug 22, 2010, at 9:52

What other "network operator groups" are there around the world (besides NANOG)?

IOZ (South Africa) - http://lists.internet.org.za/mailman/listinfo


You should be able to find of these at http://www.internetmeetings.org . A few not mentioned so far:

CaribNOG - http://www.caribnog.org/
NZNOG - http://www.nznog.org/
LacNOG - http://www.lacnog.org/

There were a couple attempts at Nordic, Scandinavian and Northern European NOGs, which are now defunct, to the best of my knowledge...

NordNOG - http://www.nordnog.org/


Rogelio <scubacuda@gmail.com> writes:

What other "network operator groups" are there around the world (besides NANOG)?

PLNOG, http://www.plnog.pl


What other "network operator groups" are there around the world (besides NANOG)?

(I'd like to follow them to see what types of issues they see in their

NLNOG www.nlnog.net - The Netherlands

Politics on an operational list? NEVAH!

- Matt

I am a member of NZNOG (New Zealand) as well. Moved back to the states last year.

Fighting off censorship means not having to find rack space and cooling
for large amounts of gear, and trying to engineer to have gobs of
bandwidth go through latency inducing single points of failure :slight_smile:


Politics on an operational list is *totally* appropriate when said politics has
the likelyhood of impacting your operations. Remember who's going to have to
install and maintain the hardware doing the censorship. :wink:


We are trying to start TRnog with few friends arounds the world who speaks Turkish, the URL is http://www.trnog.org , The list isn't very active but we usually chat in an IRC network and trying to move the conversations to the list.

We are planning to have a 1/2 day event on October sometime before or after MENOG 7 October 2010.. The day isn't decided yet.

The official language is Turkish. Any other language is welcome with google translator link to Turkish :wink:



We have JANOG in Japan.
The list and meetings are in Japanese,
but we have several non-natives attend every time.

This english version of the site is
not a complete translation of the original
site, but should give you a picture of
what issues we are discussing.


Rogelio wrote:

CaribNOG, www.caribnog.org, has been operative for approx. one year and just had its first Regional Gathering on Aug 15-20 in St. Maarten. CaribNOG 2 is scheduled for the first week in November, location to be finalized this week.

Current emphases are: establishing IXPs, IPv6 transition, VoIP and video services, and developing CSIRTs. The list is cranking up slowly and we welcome your participation.
