OT: xDSL hardware


I'm wondering if there are any ISPs here that are Covad partners that have
found a need to terminate a DSL line alongside a T1 for backup.

The problem I'm finding is that the Covad-supplied/approved routers are
fairly feature-less, making any type of backup application impossible
without some ugly hacks (put DSL in bridge mode, run ospf across both

Is anyone aware of a WIC card that will work with the lower end Cisco gear
(1700 or 2600 series) that will allow me to terminate an ADSL or
preferably an SDSL line directly on the router? The idea being that the
router is then aware of link up/down status...

I found an ADSL card (WIC-1ADSL), but Covad is unable to tell us if this
works with their dslams or not. I seem to recall an SDSL modem with a
v.35 interface, does anyone know of such a thing that will work with
Covad's dslams?

Sorry for the OT...


I'm wondering if there are any ISPs here that are Covad partners that have
found a need to terminate a DSL line alongside a T1 for backup.

Yes. Not doing it currently, but when we did we used a FlowPoint 2200 in
routed mode into the second ethernet port on a 2e/1serial 25xx. , with a /30
between the FP and the Cisco.

Is anyone aware of a WIC card that will work with the lower end Cisco gear
(1700 or 2600 series) that will allow me to terminate an ADSL or
preferably an SDSL line directly on the router? The idea being that the
router is then aware of link up/down status...

Covad business class is SDSL. But - if the DSL line is backup to the T1,
does the router 'need' to know that the DSL line is down ? I believe we just
used weighted static routes. If the T1 was up use that, otherwise use the
DSL. If both are down -- it won't really matter, will it ? :slight_smile: (Unless you
are relying on SNMP monitoring from this router internally for an alarm).

> Is anyone aware of a WIC card that will work with the lower end Cisco


> (1700 or 2600 series) that will allow me to terminate an ADSL or
> preferably an SDSL line directly on the router? The idea being that the
> router is then aware of link up/down status...

There is a WIC-1ADSL for 1700/2600. Not sure about an SDSL WIC. We have
done a few T1/ADSL and ADSL/ISDN setups and it seems to work fairly well. I
also spoke to a computer integrator that claimed they were working with
Cisco to develop a ping like action for determining if the next hop was
alive and if not set the interface down so it would failover to secondary
interface / route. I assume it would be a 12.3(x) ish release.


I believe you're talking about this, available in 12.3(8)T.

Reliable Static Routing Backup Using Object Tracking



Sam Stickland wrote:

Admittedly I haven't checked the feature navigator, but that page says
"This feature is supported in all Cisco IOS software images for the Cisco
1700 series modular access routers except the Cisco IOS IP Base image.",
so I would imagine that it is.