OT: verizon paging modem numbers

Does anyone using verizon paging service via digital celphone know the
number for their modems to send pages. Their sales people want use to
use email, what's new, but as you know we need pages when the network is
down, not up.


Does anyone using verizon paging service via digital celphone know the
number for their modems to send pages. Their sales people want use to
use email, what's new, but as you know we need pages when the network is
down, not up.

What did they say when you told them their answer was inadequate? What did
they say when you told them if you didn't get a modem phone number, you were
going to cancel your service because it is useless just when it is needed
the most?

I've always found that to get to the TAP Cluons at any Pager/Cellular company, you need to immediately talk to a supervisor. They will at least have heard of TAP, or "commercial applications which deliver pages by dialing in via modem" (if they don't know TAP *G*) and can usually at least direct you to the right people.

Playing the "I dunno what YOU guys call it, but I've got to get these pagers entered into the company paging system with all the other pagers" card usually works wonders for me when trying to track down TAP Clue.


Unless the network is lying to me again, Mike Batchelor said:

> Does anyone using verizon paging service via digital celphone know the
> number for their modems to send pages. Their sales people want use to
> use email, what's new, but as you know we need pages when the network is
> down, not up.

What did they say when you told them their answer was inadequate? What did
they say when you told them if you didn't get a modem phone number, you were
going to cancel your service because it is useless just when it is needed
the most?

Most likely the same thing that Cingular said:

  1) "well, we don't support that service anymore"
  2) "we don't do that, we've never done that"
  3) "huh?"
  4) "you don't need a modem with your GSM phone, it has one built in"
  5) "I've never heard of that, what is it?"

Nobody in "customer service" knows what TAP/IXO paging is, and you know
what? As long as they have all of the drug-dealers and soccer-moms buying
service from them without the need for TAP/IXO, they don't CARE.

Now, for an answer, search thru an archive of nanog and find the excel <gah!>
spreadsheet that I pointed people to about 2 months ago. It had several
hundred TAP/IXO modem numbers...


Have you looked at http://www.qpage.org/phone-numbers.html?

They don't have Verizon listed, but perhaps whoever your carrier was
before they became Verizon is listed.

Now get ready for the flood of emails from list members telling you email
paging is OK. I got about 24 last time I asked for a good ATT PCS


Roy Hockett wrote:

Does anyone using verizon paging service via digital celphone know the
number for their modems to send pages. Their sales people want use to
use email, what's new, but as you know we need pages when the network is
down, not up.


This information is on their website. See:


You'll find the TAP information at the end of the page. While Verizon's
sales and support staff leave a lot to be desired, it appears the people
doing the actual implementation work are doing pretty well.

i converted it to html back then.


warning, its big, but fine in lynx or w3m.


deeann m.m. mikula
director of operations

telerama public access internet