OT RE: 24x7 Support Strategies

--------- bobf@studentsonly.com wrote:----------------

Agreed, but apples and oranges to me in that example. I had an engineer that worked for me, then left our org. He spent over 70K in equipment and training out of his own pocket. He failed the CCIE lab 3 times and finally got it as he kept trying on the fourth attempt. He now holds a position in NYC, makes a great living, and I still get accolades from the company he now works for how lucky they were to get him, and what a great job he is doing. His job entails a very high level of responsibility. I think certs provide two things. One, the ability to show that you know what you are doing ( agreed grey area on that one ) , but also the commitment for one to better themselves..... someone I would look at in the hiring process first. Any/every applicant still goes through a rigorous interview process, and the uncertified sometimes win out. Depends on the applicant.