OT: new NANOG shirt?

Someone should set up a new mailing list for the shooting
run discussion. As much as I personally am interested,
we're *really* off topic by now...

-george william herbert

[PS: anyone have a Backhoe target already
or do we need to get some printed?]

* George William Herbert sez:

: Someone should set up a new mailing list for the shooting run
: discussion. As much as I personally am interested, we're *really* off
: topic by now...

I volunteer range@netwarriors.org[1]. It had been setup during ESec IV
to coordinate the whole range thingie, has been used a couple of times
during CA/Silicon Valley conventions and parties and is mostly unused at
the moment.

[1] http://www.netwarriors.org/mailman/listinfo/range

: [PS: anyone have a Backhoe target already or do we need to get some
: printed?]

I've got some 'Microsoft' ones left over, a few 'Packet Kiddies' and the
usual 'Bastard Customer from Hell'/'Marketdroid from Hell'.