OT: Need Network Consultants for Focus Group

Seeking 10-25 individuals who are either freelance network consultants or operations managers who make
use of freelance consultants to evaluate and improve a new web based service designed with the telecom
industry in mind. We're offering two forms of compensation for your time:

1) If you will take 10 minutes to look at our website and give us feedback about it, we'll offer free
1yr seller subscriptions to the site.

2) If you will spend an hour with the site, we'll pay you your regular hourly consulting fee plus other financial
considerations for ongoing recommendations. For this option, we're looking for people with 5+ yrs network freelancing
experience and who are willing to engage us in a professional way to help us achieve our goals.

To participate, send an email to thinkerteams@runbox.com with the following information:

Email Subject Line: Focus Group
Brief summary of experience: (1-2 sentences)
Choose option (1) or (2) above and include your fee if applicable.

We're not expecting billions of responses to this potentially boring exercise but in the event several more
than we can handle do respond, we will obviously limit participation to the best qualified who suit our budget. :slight_smile:

We will respond to everyone who expresses interest and make selections in 3-5 days.

Apologies in advance if the content of this email irks you due to it's remote relationship to operational matters. However,
the decision to post here was made in light of past topics discussed at length on the list. The purpose of this
email is not to promote anything--we simply seek to make contact with the demographic represented by the
list and we're willing to pay people for their time. (Note that this email does *not* contain URL links, obnoxious Sig files or
even an email address indicating our domain name.)
