OT- need a new GSM provider

You can get most of these phones unlocked from the sim lock
and then <british>flog</british> it on ebay - goes to the time
and effort costs of the aggrevation of dealing with mobile

i plan to send the shattered remains of that phone back to AT&T
in case they think that my small claims suit is a way to get myself
a low-cost phone by proving that they violated the contract first.

besides which, i hated the phone. i couldn't get it out of my
pocket without hitting the voice-call button. the asynchronous
nature of the java-based UI meant that the softkeys often changed
what they meant while i was trying to press one. what a total
piece of garbage.

besides which, i hated the phone. i couldn't get it out of my
pocket without hitting the voice-call button. the asynchronous
nature of the java-based UI meant that the softkeys often changed
what they meant while i was trying to press one. what a total
piece of garbage.

<CURIOSITY> So what model was this? </CURIOSITY>

I just spent 1:20 on the phone with ATT Warranty service because
of the weirdness I've been having with my phone - invariably when
I'm on with a client.


Paul Vixie wrote:

besides which, i hated the phone. i couldn't get it out of my
pocket without hitting the voice-call button. the asynchronous
nature of the java-based UI meant that the softkeys often changed
what they meant while i was trying to press one. what a total
piece of garbage.

Yep, also hated here. The law of least astonishment should be a real law, with criminal penalties for those designers who break it - or for negligence if they provide facilities for others to break it.

I typicaly use (in the UK) an older Nokia, B&W screen, normal buttons, long battery life - while everyone appears to be over tempted by the new "soft" phones, with colour, cameras, music etc. Battery life is crap, they take seconds to do anything and some of the keyboard layouts... let's not even go there.
