(OT)MSN/hotmail postmaster contact

Is there a postmaster from MSN/Hotmail out there? Mail from my domain to any
of yours is being junked and randomly blackholed. No progress has been made
yet with the normal tech support. Please reply off list if you can help.


(1)(650) 964-7200, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time, Monday through Friday.

I think that may work, got it here:


That number is a voicemail trap. The option that is supposed to direct me
where to get more help gives me an e-mail address. When I send to that e-mail
address, I get a "550 5.1.1 User unknown" bounce.

Edward F. Klimowicz
Voicenet Systems Administration

Pedram M wrote:

I previously got responses from the advertised postmaster contact eventually.

But if an email provider is bit bucketing email, other than as a tactical
measure, rather than rejecting it, or quarantining it, your time is probably
better spent advising people not to use that service.

It is not as if, since AOLs Harvard email fiasco, anyone can claim they didn't
know it wasn't a stupid thing to be doing.

Since people have already told Hotmail it is a stupid thing to do, and they
still do it, they are clearly stupid, or uncaring on the matter, neither is a
good thing in an email provider.

Or as put elsewhere "real friends don't let friends use hotmail".

Is there a postmaster from MSN/Hotmail out there? Mail from
my domain to any
of yours is being junked and randomly blackholed. No
progress has been made
yet with the normal tech support. Please reply off list if
you can help.

I have sent it to the appropriate persons there.

They should be in contact soon


Eliot Gillum gave a talk at Nanog you might want to review:


