OT: How to stop UltraDNS sales people calling


I am really fed up of calls from UltraDNS - we seem to get them every
few days. We don't need their product.

We've tried saying no, and additionally we've tried putting people on
hold indefinitely, trying to be enough of a nuisance to drop off their
sales call list (works with UK telcos - try it).

I just had a guy on hold for 18 minutes before taking him off hold to
say that we didn't want their product, and could he please stop calling.

He told me he would still calling until he got through to the right
person. I am the right person.

In the interest of Anglo-American relationships - any Neustar people on
list willing to help ?

Get the guys direct number and start calling him all day. Direct marketers/debt collectors really hate it when you call them at work and bug them… :slight_smile:

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Jon Lyons wrote:

Get the guys direct number and start calling him all day. Direct
marketers/debt collectors really hate it when you call them at work and
bug them.. :slight_smile:

Or give them a premium rate number that they can call that goes to permanent
holding pattern...

- --
Entanet International
T: 0870 770 9580

here i am replying to an offtopic post. what's the world coming to?

andy@nosignal.org (Andy Davidson) writes:

I am really fed up of calls from UltraDNS - we seem to get them every
few days. We don't need their product.

every month or two somebody will ask me "does BIND really drop 20% of all
queries it receives?" and i say, "um, no, why do you ask?" and the answer
is always "that's what the ultradns salesman told me." i can't argue with
their success, but i guess i am ready to quibble over their manners.

Paul Vixie wrote:

every month or two somebody will ask me "does BIND really drop 20% of all
queries it receives?" and i say, "um, no, why do you ask?" and the answer
is always "that's what the ultradns salesman told me." i can't argue with
their success, but i guess i am ready to quibble over their manners.
Hi Paul, just curious, someone over at UltraDNS called and told me my own bind server is dropping
20% of queries. Can you please explain to me how did they log into my systems?



Tell them that you have absolutely no interest in doing business with their
company now and in the future and that any future calls will be considered
harassment. If that doesn't work, explain to them that they have an
inferior product to that of their competitors and that you are more likely
to utilize their competitors products instead of theirs and if they try to
tell you the benefits of their product stop them short and say it doesn't
matter if their competitor's product isn't as good, you will use them simply
because they don't call you. Or call them a doody face and be done with it.

If their number stays the same each call, call block them. That seems to
work for me on most telemarketing issues.


Hi Paul, just curious, someone over at UltraDNS called and told me my
own bind server is dropping
20% of queries. Can you please explain to me how did they log into my

That's nothing. A company in California emailed me a phony report that
gave the names and contact info for various Fortune 500 contacts who
had visited our web site. For a low low fee, we could install their
software and start generating sales leads instantly!


Hi Paul, just curious, someone over at UltraDNS called and told me my own
bind server is dropping 20% of queries. Can you please explain to me how did
they log into my systems?


Blacklisting is NO fun! Try searing for Asterisk+Telemarketer+Torture



Just turn the sales call around and ask them if they want dns and website
hosting :slight_smile:


setup a charge line, ask them if they would be nice enough to call you back on that number so you can conf call it with your supervisor... hold them on the line for a nice 30min and let them pay a nice fee of 10$/min... :slight_smile:


Colin Johnston wrote:

Andy Davidson wrote:


I am really fed up of calls from UltraDNS - we seem to get them every
few days. We don't need their product.

We've tried saying no, and additionally we've tried putting people on
hold indefinitely, trying to be enough of a nuisance to drop off their
sales call list (works with UK telcos - try it).

I just had a guy on hold for 18 minutes before taking him off hold to
say that we didn't want their product, and could he please stop calling.

He told me he would still calling until he got through to the right
person. I am the right person.

It sounds like Jane Barbe is the right person. Capture their caller ID, set your asterisk dialplan to forward to (or play a recording of) the intercept announcement of your choice. Or if UltraDNS has a toll-free number, letting them eat their own excrement for a while can be fun.

>I am really fed up of calls from UltraDNS - we seem to get them every
>few days. We don't need their product.
>We've tried saying no, and additionally we've tried putting people on
>hold indefinitely, trying to be enough of a nuisance to drop off their
>sales call list (works with UK telcos - try it).
>I just had a guy on hold for 18 minutes before taking him off hold to
>say that we didn't want their product, and could he please stop calling.
>He told me he would still calling until he got through to the right
>person. I am the right person.
>In the interest of Anglo-American relationships - any Neustar people on
>list willing to help ?

I have a very special voice mailbox assigned to a fictional person. Any
sales calls get transferred to it. No, I don't monitor it. :slight_smile:

Nachman Yaakov Ziskind wrote:

I have a very special voice mailbox assigned to a fictional person. Any
sales calls get transferred to it. No, I don't monitor it. :slight_smile:

Said fictitious person in our organization is one Ms. Helen Waite.

Telemarketers and the like can all go to Helen Waite.

He told me he would still calling until he got through to the right
person. I am the right person.

Next time, try asking for the name and phone number of his boss, so
you can call and report what an excellent job he's doing.


I have a very special voice mailbox assigned to a fictional person. Any
sales calls get transferred to it. No, I don't monitor it. :slight_smile:

  Yes, he works here too... Devlin Nuhl.... Good old Dev Nuhl.
There are things he is responsible for that even I can't handle.


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John Levine wrote:

He told me he would still calling until he got through to the right
person. I am the right person.

Next time, try asking for the name and phone number of his boss, so
you can call and report what an excellent job he's doing.

and then setup your asterisk box to forward all calls from his number to his
boss via the premium rate you just setup...

- --
Entanet International
T: 0870 770 9580

We to have a Director of Almost Everything here that is apparently very bad at returning phone calls and is always away from his desk or on the phone :slight_smile: He is also responsible for our telephone service, and all of the copiers in the office. The funny part is that people now call up and ask to be transferred to Doug Quaid (who sounds a lot like the current governor of California). If you get really bored there are some good sound boards out there that are quite amusing. "I have a couple of questions, and I want them answered immediately" is a person fav.


Okay, this was fun and I am all for OT fun. But can we please stop putting
down a part of our community? Especially one which contributes to NANOG so

We all have sale trolls to live with.
